
Welcome to quixotely.com

Thanks for visiting. This page is a brief introduction to this site and its products.


This website (pronounced kē-hōt-lē) provides support and downloads for software products designed to be both useful and polite.

The apps you'll find here are enabled by open-source technologies, and run portably on both your Android phones and tablets, and your Windows, macOS, and Linux PCs. Open source promotes transparency, and portability removes limiting barriers between your devices.

Just as importantly, none of the products you'll find here will ever spy on you; collect your personal information; flash rude advertising in your face; demand extra payments for continued use or extra features; force you to sign up for subscriptions; corral your content into single-source prisons; or otherwise try to turn your personal life or property into covert revenue streams.

In short, this site stands for software without the exploitation that's become too much a norm. While that stance might be deemed tilting at windmills by some cynics, in truth it's just as easy for apps to respect your privacy as it is to violate it. This site's products are intended, in part, to show that sacrificing ethics need not be a prerequisite of app development.

Related post: tap the "Why Free?" button here.


This site was opened in spring 2023, to support its first and flagship product: the PC-Phone USB Sync app, which provides content backup and sync tools that work the same on your phones and PCs, and is completely private by design. By using removable drives instead of clouds, this app ensures that your stuff remains your stuff, not someone else's point of control.

You'll find all of this app's online resources—including its screenshots, videos, docs, and free PC downloads—by tapping either its icon at the top of this page, or this.


This site's apps are meant to stand on their own merits, not the personalities of their creators. That said, if you wish to vet this site's legitimacy, you can find additional free software from the makers of apps here at its separate website. That site hosts gallery builders, zipfile tools, calendar GUIs, and more, some of which may eventually appear in enhanced form here.


All apps at this site come with privacy included. For the formal privacy statement of the apps available here, as well as that of this website itself, see the separate page here.


Your input on your experiences with this site's products is valued and encouraged. Please send feature requests, issue reports, and general comments and questions by email with the Contacts link in hamburger menu at the top of every page here (JavaScript required). This site's apps will be improved actively, and your feedback is crucial to this process.


Both this website and its first product were launched in May 2023. Watch this space for site-wide updates and new apps. For news about PC-Phone USB Sync, see its coverage of new releases, and its post-publication tech notes.

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